"Discover How YOU Can Sell More Boats at Higher Margins & Save Time with a PROVEN Selling System Installed in Your Boat Business in Just 3 Days!"
(Why would I reveal this kind of secret system... let alone help you install this in your boat business? Read my complete message to find out.)

Dear Motivated Boat Dealer,
I’ll bet you’re tired of working your tail off - and are looking for ways to maximize your profits from your boat business… without working more hours!
If you’re like most clients I work with, you’ve been in the boat business for 10, 20, even 30 years or more.
That means

Matt Sellhorst
You’ve seen it all, done it all and are beginning to rethink your business and your life.
Got enough to retire? (Most in this business don’t.)
Actually, most in the business have almost everything tied up in their dealership with few outside investments – and that’s IF you’re lucky enough to even have significant investments left after the past decade.
Not ready to sell your dealership (or pass it on to the next generation)?
Have you looked at the numbers on selling a boat dealership today?
Not much to get excited about.
(Well, hopefully you own the land your dealership sits on.)
What are your choices?
Keep working 50, 60+ hours a week until you drop? But, what kind of life is that?
Hire a general manager or another sales person? But, then you have even more overhead and headaches that go along with them.
And, what about those ghosts lurking in your heart after some very difficult years in this industry?
Getting beat up and burned out.
Over-worked, underappreciated, unfulfilled, and downright frustrated that you’ve been working your tail off for years and still not ‘rich’.

Does that sound like a page from your diary?
Cash flow from your dealership must cover all your life-draining costs (through the entire year, not just during the busy times).
Leaving nothing for you, your retirement funds, your family, amazing vacations, or trips is pretty much the same as wasting time and money, when you really think about it.
I'm here to help.
Think an extra MILLION+ would ease the pain you’re now feeling?
Think what just an extra $50,000 - $100,000 a year could do for your financial woes and retirement worries!

I assume you are aware that you could be - maybe even should be - doing better than you currently are in your boat business.
The key to this success?
Install a proven sales and marketing system in your boat business.
A system that will
Save you time, sell more boats, and increase your margins without wasting money on sales and marketing schemes that flat-out don’t work!
The benefits of having a proven sales and marketing system in your boat business are:
- More qualified prospects for you and your sales staff
- Higher margins ($500 to $2,500+ higher) in most cases
- The additional value in your businessv when you do go to sell it (when you’re finally ready to walk out)
- Or, the confidence to completely pass your business along to the next generation, knowing there are systems in place so they can enjoy this business without all the stress and hours you experienced (and missed time with the family)
- Not to mention the time savings from having a true system in place instead of running around like a chicken with your head cut off
Fact is,
Our Prospect's Buying Habits Have Changed Over the Past 5 to 7 Years
For better or worse, our boat buyers have changed. The internet has made them hyper-informed...
...creating almost a monster of sorts.
And, with smart phones, they access all the information online… even while sitting at your best salesperson’s desk as they try to put together a profitable sale!
They've been taught NOT to trust...
Not only are they hyper-informed, they’ve been taught not to trust anyone. Especially your sales people and marketing messages.
They’ve been taught by the government over and over (don’t even get me started on the Obama Administration). NSA wire-tapping and so on.
They’ve been taught by business, not to trust.
(ENRON, the BP Oil Spill, and Bernie Madoff, just to name a few.)
The sports world has taught us not to trust ANYONE. It started with Mark McGuire, and has continued to the present day with scandals in every major-league sport.

Even Lance Armstrong have ruined the public’s overall trust. Small wonder, then, that over and over, our clients turn out to be skeptical.
So, what kind of impact do your sales and marketing messages have?
Based on countless interactions with today’s boat buyers, they have very little.
The Great Recession caused our prospects to be more cautious with their money – and things haven’t changed, all these years later!

Ever heard the expression “Once bitten, twice shy”?
People are tighter with their money than at almost any other time in history. They want to ensure they are making the right decision with their hard-earned money.
That’s just as true for the guy buying a $10,000 used boat, as it is for the guy considering a $750,000 sport yacht.
This caution has your prospective boat buyers taking longer to decide, as they gather tons of information before they decide... gathering information online and offline (in your showroom, boat shows, website, etc.)
Oftentimes, all this information gathering leads to overwhelm.
That overwhelm, in turn, leads to in-action and next thing you know, you prospect AVOIDS a buying decision altogether. (Another sale lost!)
They make the decision, NOT to make a decision.
And, they are so busy, it’s nearly impossible to have any meaningful conversations or get them on the phone… let alone back into the dealership to make a traditional sales presentation:
- The kids play soccer or baseball 6 days a week, 360 days a year
- The parents are working more hours than ever before, often traveling for business practically every week. (Consistent travel was a common trait for my best clients when I worked for boat dealerships myself)
Skeptical? Stay with me one moment as I prove to you that your prospect’s buying process has changed.
In 1996 (just 21 years ago), there were few cell phones, no smart phones; the internet was in its infancy, right?
So, if someone thought, “hey I want to buy a boat”, what did they do?
- Walk into a dealership
- Attend a boat show
- Pick up a Boat Trader magazine

(Remember those Trader magazines, one picture and a 50-word description? Everyone would leave off the HP so they had to call, right?)
Back then, the prospective buyer had to get face to face (or on the phone) with a sales person to gather even the most basic information.
Now, today, what happens?
They go online and research boats around the world.
Chat rooms, boat trader, boat test.com.
They EXPECT videos.
They can find almost anything they want (including 10 other people who will sell them a similar boat)...
Finally, when - - THEY - - ARE - - READY - - when, they are ready, they talk with a sales person.
And, sometimes, they are more informed than the salesperson.
(Hey, I'm not proud to say – but it happened to me on some models we only sold a few of. And I was a top-producing salesperson for a 6-location dealership for 5 years!)
Then, when they are finally face to face, what's happening???
A family walks into your showroom and talks with your top sales person...
Dad is checking his smartphone looking at Boat Trader or the manufacturer website, only half-listening...
Kids are running around in their soccer cleats, jumping from boat to boat...
Mom's on her phone texting her girlfriends about the kids’ next soccer game...
They brought the dog, who's barking at his reflection in the window...
Everyone is so distracted and full of information... some accurate, some not...
Amidst all the craziness, your sales person is trying to do what I call a $1,000 presentation... but it's nearly impossible!
I was on-site at a client’s dealership and watched as the prospect was searching other boats on his phone while at the salesperson’s desk, negotiating a deal.
His credit card was out of his wallet, and YET he was still searching boats on his smart phone!!!
Fact is, it keeps getting harder and harder for YOUR sales people to make profitable sales...
...and that's why You Need a proven sales system to save time, convert more prospects, and increase your margins!
In today’s skeptical, cautious, hectic, and overloaded world, you must utilize the right tools in your sales system that save time, convert more prospects, and increase your margins.

But, most dealers are selling the exact same way they did when their dealership opened decades ago.
Sales keep getting harder and harder to make… while margins keep falling (one more reason our industry is shrinking).
So, here’s what I’ve done to help the right dealers…
I’ve created The New SPLASH System™ Intensive 3-Day Marketing Boot Camp for an exclusive group of serious dealers who understand that the ‘old way’ of doing things just isn’t going to cut it.
Let me tell you a little about The New SPLASH System™ Intensive 3-Day Marketing Boot Camp:
During this three-day, one-on-one boot camp, you, me, and any other key people you feel are necessary from your boat business are going to clone and install a custom selling system based off my proven formula and tools.
That means, you can avoid the big mistakes… because I’ve already made them and can guide you through the mine-field. And, because I have a proven system, you can clone many components and customize others based on your specific needs - in a very condensed period of time.
These 3 days can be done here in Charlotte (I’ll set up a hotel conference room) so we can create a ‘War Room’ and get to work.)

Yeah, I said, get to work. If you are allergic to hard work... to focusing and accomplishing those important things like building systems and creating profitable marketing, this may not be for you.
Or, if you prefer not to travel yourself and would be okay paying just a little extra, I’ll schlepp on a plane and come to you for the three days. (You are responsible for setting up and paying for the hotel conference room.) The investment is higher because I’ll have to be away from my family for 4 or 5 days depending on travel - oh, yeah, and pack-up all my necessary equipment.
Plus, there is a flat-fee, once-and-done $1,500 travel surcharge (flight, hotel, rental car, meals, etc.) added to the boot camp fee for service, so it’s simple and easy.
What Do I All Get with The New SPLASH System™ Intensive 3-Day Marketing Boot Camp?
I’ve turned all my sales tools, systems and reports into adjustable templates that can be customized and installed in your boat business in just 3 days.
Here’s how it works:

1) You come to Charlotte or I come to you.
We will select the 3 days for your Boot Camp based on my availability and travel schedule. (That’s why I can only offer 12 of these right now).
Half of the Boot Camp fee for service is to be paid within 5 days to lock in your dates. If your check is not received within 5 days, the date is opened back up and may be lost.
By the way, besides savings, there is one major advantage of you coming to Charlotte:
You get out of your normal rut and routine. You get away from the day-to-day grind of your boat business and have some time and space to think. (If you watched the ‘How to Sell More Boats DVD’ - remember the story of the lumberjacks?)
Getting space from your dealership has serious advantages to your state of mind as we work together to reach your goals.

2) We work hard for 3 days.
Yeah, these will be working days. 8- to 10-hour days, even longer if necessary to clone and customize everything for your boat business. And, the work starts even before you arrive.
There will be a pre-boot camp package for you to complete.
Gathering all your sales and marketing material (and your competition).
Pulling past client lists.
Gathering information from your sales staff, parts, service, and accessory people.

Plus, you will be required to listen to an 11-hour Fast Track audio program (others have invested $7,900 for this program - you get it at no additional cost). This will ensure you are familiar with the strategies and concepts we will be focusing on during our three-day intensive Boot Camp.
All of this prep work must be done to ensure you get maximum results.

3) Together, we Clone, Create & Customize.
So, what will we all be creating for your dealership?
Well, let me walk through a rough outline of the agenda (bearing in mind, a significant portion of this will be customized to meet your unique needs, which I won't know until you complete the application).
Because this program is customized for you, some areas of focus and specifics will change.
Day 1: Creating Your 24/7 Selling Machine

First, we will set your goals for the new season (and your personal lifestyle goals).
If we are going to collaborate, I need to know exactly where you are going.
We need to have a clear picture of what success looks like to you.
Number of units sold, volume, margins, service, parts… painting a picture of where you are today, where you want to go, etc. Then, we can get working on getting you there quickly.

Next, we get to work on the foundation.
This includes creating clear and concise Unique Selling Points for your boat business.
These USP’s will be the basis for everything we do over the next 3 days.
Billion-dollar empires have been built on a great USP, so this is a highly valuable creation for you.

Then, it’s time to start creating your lead-generation tools for your showroom, online dealership, and boat shows.
These lead generation tool will give you an ‘unfair advantage’ over your competition - filling your sales funnel chock full of quality prospects your competition doesn’t even know exist.
In addition to creating the lead-generation tools, we will create a lead generation website. This approach is a "lethal weapon" in the boat business.

With the lead-generation strategy set, we will move onto creating your 24/7 Selling Machine!
What good is a full sales funnel if you don’t have a systematic approach to converting those prospects into high-margin boat sales?
Your 24/7 Selling Machine is not a replacement of your sales people, but a tool to help them convert more prospects and build higher margins in conjunction with their selling skills.
It will include:
- A Custom Shock & Awe Package
- Value building postcards (6)
- Email auto-responder system (12 to 18)
- Newsletter template and outlines (full year)
- Boat Preview newsletter templates and outlines (full year)
- Calendar of events (boat shows, off site events, on-site events)
- These will be installed on your current systems (if they will support them) or on programs I recommend which are only $10 to $50/month
In addition to your 24/7 Selling Machine, together we will create strategies and offers to increase service, parts, brokerage, and ship store business (and others that you think are important for your business).
Once the 24/7 Selling Machine is outlined and created, it’s time to move on to improving your ‘Online Dealership.’

Based on my pre-boot camp checklist, I will have a custom plan to improve your online web-presence. Each participant’s needs will be different here, however the results will be higher traffic to your website and more leads generated for your 24/7 Selling Machine and sales staff.
Other areas we will be making major improvements to include: Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, improved user experience, and clearer calls-to-action. All these tweaks will lead to more leads, higher quality leads, and more traffic to your online dealership.
Oh yeah, there will be more sales opportunities for your sales staff too!

Day 2: Producing Your Video Selling Empire
On day 2, it's time to create a video marketing strategy that builds relationships, drives leads, increases margins, and overall makes the foundation of your boat business stronger.
I will bring my video studio and equipment. You will provide the personality - and together we will bring your dealership to life in a way that will change how your prospects relate to you.
In addition to the raw video creation, I will have the footage professionally edited and installed on your website and within the 24/7 Selling Machine where appropriate.
Let’s take a look at the videos we’ll be creating:
- Website Welcome and Intro Video: This video begins the relationship with your prospects so they know, like, and trust you before they even step foot in your dealership.
- Video Boat Walk-Around Sales Doughnut: Having a strong doughnut video will save you time and make your online video marketing strategies be a major source of new leads.
- Video Sales Letter: Together we will build the perfect sales pitch to generate more ‘be backs’ and easy sales for your sales staff. It also enhances the relationship so you can sell for higher margins with less resistance.
- YouTube Channel Welcome Video: With video becoming a requirement for online marketing and almost all of our prospects going online during their boat buying process, this video will allow you to dominate the online video space, driving hundreds of leads to your sales funnel.
Next, it’s time to gather some Social Proof. Now, I assume that you have a bunch of happy clients. If you don’t, you will be turned down during the application process (more on that later).
The couple of hours we spend on your Social Proof is likely worth the entire investment in the 3-day Boot Camp.

FACT: What others say about you is 100X’s more persuasive than what you say about you. Together we will create a strategy to generate Social Proof throughout the year. Plus, if you have the happy clients, you’ll have 20 amazing testimonials within a weeks’ time.
With a solid base of Social Proof to overcome the skepticism and build value in every single sales presentation, it’s time to create and promote a referral program.
You will select from 4 referral programs that have proven to work and install it in your dealership to generate an additional 3, 5, even 20 high-margin sales next year.
Day 3: The Finishing Touches (Fully Custom Session)
Finally, on day 3, we put the finishing touches on all the tools and systems we created and installed over the past two days.
We also create a custom sales and marketing plan that is simple to follow and will keep you and your staff on track throughout the selling season.

Because this is a custom Boot Camp, the 3rd day will be 100% customized to your dealership. We will address service, F&I, storage, ship store, parts & accessories, and other business units that are important for your specific dealership.
Each component will be fully integrated to the customer retention, conversion and referral framework created during day one and two.
In addition to maximizing each business unit and its impact on major unit sales, you will walk out with a full 12-month sales & marketing plan to keep you on track throughout the year.
It will include an outline for next steps and follow-up items on both sides to ensure the past 3 days are the most profitable 3 days of your entire year.
Together, we tweak and adjust WHILE you implement in real time – you get Matt Sellhorst as your guardian angel!

This boot camp is not a 3-days-and-done type relationship. Over the next 6 months, think of me as your Head Profits Coach.
Maybe we need to make some adjustments to the tools and systems we created and installed.
Maybe a new opportunity came up and you need guidance on how to best take advantage.
Maybe everything is working so well that you want to add and expand what we’ve already installed.
Whatever the situation, I am available via phone and emails over the next 6 months. As a Boot Camp alum, just send me an email or schedule a call with my assistant.
How we work together and make sure you stay on the path to success:
Having me, Matt Sellhorst, as your guardian angel also means I'll be, shall we say, hovering over you to make sure you have the backup, feedback, and (if necessary) friendly but firm "kick in the butt" you need to make this happen, for real.
This takes the following forms:

1) I "mystery shop" to ensure you're on track.
Not only will I be available to assist over the next 6 months, I will also be checking up on you. One the first day, we created some goals together - and I want to do everything in my power to ensure you hit them.
But, ultimately, your success is up to you.
These systems and tools must be used properly to ensure maximum results.
So, I will mystery-shop your dealership several times over the next 6-month period. It may be via phone, email, Boat Trader, or via your own website. Depending on your location, I may even have a secret on-site mystery shopper to test the implementation.
You will receive a written report of my findings: a) what was done well, b) what needs improvement, and c) suggestions for tweaks and enhancements based on a real, live, real-time prospect experience. (Oh, I’ll also mystery-shop your competition to ensure you stay several steps ahead of them.)
That’s one reason I only allow one dealer per market area to participate in these Boot Camps at a time.

2) You monitor your staff (using the system I create for you).
So, we’ve cloned, customized, and installed a proven selling system in your dealership. Together, we’ve tweaked, tracked, and adjusted as needed. Now, comes an important key to maximum success.
Each month, you will be responsible for monitoring your staff’s usage and attitudes towards these new tools and systems - taking suggestions and ideas to improve your systems over time.
The great thing about this Boot Camp is, the really hard work is knocked out in a short period. Then, small tweaks and adjustments can easily be made over time by you and your staff as markets change, your product mix changes or other opportunities arise.

3) I coach monthly to help keep your staff’s eye on the prize.
Another free bonus that you’ll receive is a monthly coaching call (6 months free) for your staff. This power packed ½ hour call is great for your sales staff, service writer, receptionist, and you. It is designed to keep the concepts and sales focus needed - month in, month out.
Sometimes, it’s the buy-in or push-back from your staff that makes a proven system like this EXPLODE YOUR PROFITS vs. your dealership just "doing OK". I’ve even seen it sabotaged by a negative person who is resistant to change.
Between your monitoring and the monthly coaching calls, we can ensure the results are
If you find this coaching to be valuable and you’d like to extend it after the 6 months, it can be arranged for $197/month.
How much more money do you need to feel “successful”?
I’m not sure what your number is.
Maybe it’s only $50,000.
Or could it be $100,000?
For many of my clients, it's as high as $200,000 or more.
Now, here’s a question that might really piss you off:
How much longer do you plan to be in the boat business?

Take that number and multiple it times 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, or more.
If your number is $100,000 and you don’t make a change for 10 years, that’s $1,000,0000 (most of which is profit) has slipped through your fingers forever!
You’re lucky - I’m not even going to bring up how many deals you lost because your website and other marketing tools are missing a key lead-generation component!
(That could easily be worth an extra 5 to 10 deals a year!)
How much longer are you willing to lose all that money… that money that could be - SHOULD be - yours?
Well, you do have some options:
- Wait until you retire and pass all that work on to the next owners? If you are just a few years form stepping down, selling your business, and/or passing it along to the next generation, that approach could work. I’d just hate to be the next one in command who’s even further behind the 8-ball… and God forbid if one of your competitors beats you to the punch and is accepted to participate in my Boot Camp while you wait it out ‘til retirement!
- Just hope that things go back to the way they ‘used to be’? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the internet and smartphones are here to stay. Based on the trajectory of society, I don’t see trust going up and skepticism doing down anytime soon. And, all the other indicators that the universe of boat buyers is shrinking means you’d better get every sale and make them count because we won’t be seeing 1996 again anytime soon!
- Not worry about it because you are doing well enough already? If you’ve read this far, there is something in what I’ve said that has hit a nerve and you know you could be, and should be, doing better! Deep in your gut, you know it’s true... you can either do something about it or hope it somehow fixes itself. (A mentor of mine always says; Hope is a bad business strategy.)
I don’t know your situation well enough (yet), so I can’t give you any advice (yet).
All I can say is, take a deep look at your sales and marketing systems and the number you calculated earlier.
If the money you’re leaving on the table is high enough - it may make sense to apply now.
"Okay Matt, I’m excited about installing a proven selling system, getting my people on board, and having you stand beside me the entire way."
"But how much is all of this going to cost me?"
No one is more sensitive to wasting precious capital than I am. I understand you must be cautious and conservative about taking on any new expenses. (Heck, you didn’t survive the past 10 years by throwing money around at every new passing fad).
That’s why I’ve made it easy to say "Yes".
Actually, all you have to say is "Maybe."
I’ll bend over backwards to be fair.
That's correct:
Just say "Maybe" Now and Don’t Risk a Dime Until You’ve Cross-Examined Me in Person for a Full Day.
Here’s how it works.
Complete the application below to find out if your market area is available and if you and your dealership are a good candidate for this exclusive boot camp.

I will personally get on the phone with you to answer all of your questions and give you all the details you need to know to make a smart decision for you and your dealership.
Since you've come this far, you may have a few questions before you apply now...
Let’s answer some of the most common questions dealers have brought to me before deciding to take this very important step forward...
“Why do I have to fill out a long application just to find out more information about this boot camp of yours?”
This Boot Camp is not for everyone. The application process is to allow us to select the applicants who will achieve the best results and who have the biggest gains to be made based on their situation.
Because of my limited availability and desire to ensure the participants receive maximum success, I can only offer 12 of these sessions right now.
We are not looking for the largest dealer or fanciest dealer in any market area. We are looking for the ones who we’ll most enjoy working with and who are dedicated to doing whatever it takes to achieve their goals.
“We’ve been doing just fine here considering the economy, why do we need to change how we sell and market boats?”
You don’t. If you are 100% happy with your boat business, the hours you work, the margins you make, and your relationship with prospects and the sales process you have, there is no need to apply.
As a matter of fact, if you answer the application form honestly (which I expect everyone to do) you more than likely will not be accepted anyway.
“Why can’t I just implement my own sales and marketing system? I’ve been in the business for much longer than you.”
You absolutely can. I encourage you to do it. Hopefully you watched the free DVD I sent and read all the material I provided. That, plus your experience in the business, is enough for you to do it all yourself.
This Boot Camp is for the dealers and owners who want to:
- Save time by cloning my proven system and having it installed in a very short period of time – because even setting aside 3 days is difficult to do. If they had to do everything themselves, they can be honest enough with themselves to know it will never actually get done.
- Save money. They understand that making mistakes costs money. Money in unnecessary investments and money in lost opportunities. Investing even $25,000 to make an extra $50,000 makes perfect sense.
- Having a coach who’s been where you want to go guide you through the minefields. And show you an even better way. The key to this Boot Camp system is the collaboration. Together, we will create a more profitable system than either one of us could create on their own for your dealership.
“How can I justify spending so much money on just 3 days with you (well, I assume the price is going to be HUGE)?”
A. You are correct, there is going to be a sizeable investment. But, as the saying goes, you get what you pay for. Or, my favorite; “If you think hiring an expert is expensive, you should try hiring an amateur.”
Go back to your math from earlier. Remember, the amount left on the table and the lost deals. If that number was even $50,000 and you plan on staying in business for just 5 more years, that’s $250,000 of almost pure profit lost. Gone forever that you just can’t get back… Let me ask you, what would you invest to get that money back?
Would you invest $100,000? Maybe. Would you invest $50,000? I would hope so. Would you invest $25,000? Surely you would. That’s a pretty good return on investment. If the concept makes sense to you, has been proven in today’s new world, it seems like a no brainer.
But, if you wouldn’t invest $25,000 to make an extra quarter of a million bucks, then maybe you should pass on this opportunity and try to do it yourself.
(Since you’ve made it this far, I’m going to give you a little insider’s information. The investment in this Boot Camp and Coaching Program is well under the $25,000 price tag. And, there’s an Iron Clad Guarantee you’ll find out about on the phone call if you’re accepted.)
“I can’t take 3 days away from my dealership (4 or 5 depending on travel schedules), so how will I make this work?”
If taking 3 days away from your boat business is going to cause it to crash and burn, you have major problems. A sales and marketing system is only one of the things you need to create a more enjoyable and profitable business.
But, I understand that it is a commitment to be away. That’s why I will be flexible on the scheduling of your Boot Camp. Fly in Saturday night, and we’ll work Sunday, Monday and Tuesday – having you back in your dealership bright and early Wednesday morning to get to work.
Remember, part of the benefit of coming to Charlotte is to get away from your dealership for a few days. Get some space. You will find that these 3 days turn out to be the most profitable 3 days you spend all year.
(Of course, if you’d rather not waste the travel time, for a few thousand extra, I will come to you.)
“I don’t want to get swindled. I’ve bought a bunch of junk products, seminars and technology and I don’t like feeling ‘taken’ on this.”
I mentioned it earlier, but there is a guarantee. I will explain it in more detail on the phone if you are accepted, however, here’s the basic idea:
I’m so convinced that my SPLASH System™ will work amazingly well and help you sell more boats, I’m making the biggest, boldest guarantee in the industry!
Any qualified dealer who completes our proprietary 3-day training program and implements the strategies taught, if they do not add an additional $50K in gross profits over the next 12 months, I will refund 100% of their program fee.
(Plus, I only require ½ of the Boot Camp fee for service up-front with the 2nd half payable after the 1st day of work.)
How can I make such a guarantee?
Easy, I know I’m not a fake, phony or fraud. I’ve reviewed your application and know that my systems and tools will work for your dealership, in your market area and for the products and service you offer.
If I feel that you won’t benefit, you won’t be accepted. Why would I waste hours and days of my time on someone who’s just going to ask for a refund anyway?
“Will my sales staff be able to use your tools?”
Yes, these tools were designed to be universal. It doesn’t require a ‘Natural Born Salesperson’ or anything like that. As a matter of fact, you’ll find when we meet in person that I’m not a natural-born salesperson. But, the same systems and tools I’m offering you now, propelled me to become a top producing sales person in a 6-location dealership.
The only thing your sales people need is a desire to be more successful.
I won’t adjust their sales style to fit my tools. I’ll adjust the tools to fit your dealership’s sales style.
Make sense?
“Will this selling and marketing system work in my market area?”
Probably. Again, that’s why I have the application process to ensure it will work in your area, based on your answers combined with my research and proven experience.
However, the strategies I use and teach have been used in countless industries and markets for decades – high end luxury items, real estate, restaurants, automobiles, RVs, jewelry, and almost anything you can think of.
I’ve just built them, tested them, and proven them in the boat business.
“Will your strategies and tools work for my dealership?”
Probably. Again, that’s why I have the application process to ensure it is a good fit for your dealership.
With the guarantee and application process, I can assure you if you are selected and participate, it will work for your dealership.
“Can I talk with a dealer who is using your methods?”
No. Here are “Matt’s Rules”:
Confidentiality – Because my Members are very busy running successful businesses and implementing systems for a more profitable and enjoyable business, I do not release Member names. If and when you become a Member, you will appreciate this rule.
Hey, I’m a straight shooter so I’ll come right out and tell you… some dealers who have invested in my books, trainings, and other programs have not seen the success they were expecting. The main reason was, they didn’t properly utilize the time to implement what they learned.
If you look at how they sell and market today, versus what they did prior to our relationship, you will see almost no change. (Without implementation, even the best strategies and tactics will have zero impact!)
That’s why I’ve created The New SPLASH System™ Intensive 3-Day Marketing Boot Camp – to ensure these systems and tools get implemented. (Implemented quickly and with my personal attention!)
That’s another reason for the application process – to ensure there are no major hurdles to implementation that will hinder maximum success.
“So, What Do I Do Now? What’s the Next Step?”
If you want to take the next step, to TAKE ACTION, fill out the Confidential Application Form below. Then, once you complete the application, complete the steps on the following page to book our initial conversation together.
Because this program is limited to only 12 participants (only one per area) and GUARANTEED, I will be very selective about who is admitted to these boot camps. I want to ensure we are working with dealers who are most committed to success.
(That means, not necessarily the largest or the fanciest dealers in the area, but the ones we are going to work best with - and who will achieve the most amazing results based on their commitment to success.)
Unless everything about your boat dealership’s sales and marketing system are already perfect, and you feel there is no room for improvement, how could you pass up this opportunity to say "MAYBE"?
It’s important for you to fill out the application right away, since you want to get this moving before the busy season is here again.
Once the main selling season starts, you will be losing money each hour, each day, each week you delay... (lost deals, lost margin and lost money in you and your employees’ pockets).
Don’t delay... It will likely be the most profitable 3 days of your entire year as a dealership owner!

And, if another dealer from your area applies and is accepted, you WILL BE locked out from participating. You won’t just be behind, you will be aced out completely!
And, your competitor will be armed with a powerful system to steal what should RIGHTFULLY be YOUR profitable sales.
Fill out the application below. Don’t skip anything (incomplete applications will be automatically declined). Once you have completely and accurately filled in the application, click the Submit button.
Then, once you complete the application, complete the steps on the following page to book our initial conversation together. At that time, all the details will be revealed.
Remember: you are only saying “maybe”.
Your final decision comes only after you’ve exhausted all of your questions and relieved all of your doubts.
I’m confident if you’ve read this far, watched my videos, Googled me, or read my Boating Industry and Soundings Trade Only articles, you know a more enjoyable and profitable dealership awaits - If you just act.

Matt Sellhorst
Author, Boat Dealer Profits
P.S. Are you leaving $1 MILLION DOLLARS (or more) on the table in your dealership? If so, you owe it to yourself to find out what this is all about.
P.P.S. Just say ‘maybe’ and find out all the details on The New SPLASH System™ Intensive 3-Day Marketing Boot Camp. Ask all the questions you want to ensure this makes sense for you and your dealership. Just complete the “Confidential Application Form”. Then, you will get more details during our initial phone call.